Slow but steady

Omeganaut is back on tracks !

I spent the last months of 2020 working on saving my Flash games from the death of Flash Player, and I was back on developing Omeganaut when Covid-19 struck me down. So I'm writing this devlog with a broken brain and I can't wait to get back to bed...

Here are the big changes for that new version:

  • XBox controller and rumble support
  • Health percentage has been replaced by a HUD gauge
  • Virtual Gamepad size and position can be modified in the Setup Screen
  • Some new obstacles like trees and buildings
  • Fullscreen is back for Android
  • Photo mode is instantaneous
  • Lots of debugs and optimizations

Development is slow, sorry for that, but I hope you'll enjoy anyway !

Files 1 MB
Mar 31, 2021
Omeganaut_210331.apk 1.1 MB
Mar 31, 2021


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