Omeganaut on Retroid Pocket 3+

For Christmas, I got myself a Retroid Pocket 3+. An affordable console running on Android. I was thinking of playing Omeganaut on it, but it was completely buggy: blinking polygons, directional pad not working... Instead of complaining, I finally had a device at hand displaying the bugs I had been looking for so long.

It was the re-opening of the bug hunt!

I finally got rid of:

  • All the pesky collision problems, due to a bug in the external ZgeBullet library
  • The polygons heavily blinking on some Android devices, due to a floating problem in the shaders
  • The instantaneous crash on Linux, due to missing XInput library
  • The lack of support for the directional pad on Android
  • Some remaining ghost collision boxes that could block the way
  • The sky rendering at the wrong size, depending on the screen ratio

And many more. Everything is explained on my website.

Now the game is working perfectly, and it's a real pleasure to play my own game on a portable console. The bases are solid, it's finally time to fill the game with content: spaceships, rock formations, interstellar bases... Developing a game is a real tour de force sprinkled with magic. So if you have an Android console, or if you like my games, be sweet, support their development by buying Omeganaut :)

Files 1 MB
Jan 13, 2023 1.3 MB
Jan 13, 2023
Omeganaut_Android_230113.apk 1.1 MB
Jan 13, 2023


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

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